Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Ocean Hills Team Has Arrived!

It's so fun to have the OHC youth group here in Puerto Viejo! It's so comforting to see familiar faces and meet new ones as well. Since the team got in they've been busy on construction projects & building relationships with the Puerto Viejo youth through skating & surfing. One of my favorite aspects in hosting the OHC mission team is their ability to connect with the local people in ways that other teams cannot - specifically through board sports. In fact, recently, I had a local friend ask me about an OHC team member that visited almost 3 years ago! The OHC teams just have a way of connecting and in doing so, enhancing the ministry of Alternative Missions. I can't wait for what's in store for the rest of the week. Here's a sneak preview:
  • Construction: The team has split into 3 separate groups to work on improving the Alternative Missions property/ skate park and to do community work improving the local high school & play ground. Please be praying for the team as they develop relationships with the high school students & encourage them to come to the Skate Park where they can learn to skate & learn to fall in love with Jesus.
  • Skate Sessions: The team will also be spending time with the local youth at the skate park. I'm excited for the time we have planned for the local youth to teach the team how to skate....what a cool flip-flop of typical mission trip roles!
  • BBQ: Every Friday night we have Youth Club Night at the Skate Park. Typically, we open for skating at 5pm and then take a break to play games & do a Bible study before skating until 10pm. This Friday we're gonna host a BBQ for the team and all the skaters. Pray that this would be a time where both the OHC team and the local youth have a chance to encourage one another in their faith!

I'll post some pictures soon.....

Serving Joyfully,


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