Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 3 Costa Rica

Another day of work and more work. Lets break it down:

Holla Holla: Painting is their middle name. They continued to paint the school, finishing what they started yesterday. They have actually finished all the painting at the school that was planned for them way ahead of schedule. Tomorrow they paint trees. Apparently this protects them from insects.

tClick tclick and Spicy Ponies: Today they joined forces and worked at the skate park and the music cafe. The table is almost completely constructed. The upstairs of the cafe has been varnished. The jungle trail behind the property was cleared of debris. Trash and green waste was burned (cultural thing) it was an active day for the crew. After the work, spicy ponies stayed for some skate sessions and they quite enjoyed themselves.

Servants: Billy H and Shelby both won awards for being servants today. Billy went above and beyond multiple times to serve people by offering his chair, food, being polite etc. I Was told by 2 leaders that Shelby was extremely outgoing and cheerful and did the best of reaching out to students at the skate park.

Look what I caught: Bryce thought it would be cool to catch a crab and make friends. I was also told that the reason his nail was hanging off his finger was because of the crab, so he won, i then learned it was a skating injury, don't worry though, i didn't revoke the ice cream.

Prayer: Still no big injuries, we are feeling well and going strong. Please pray that our strength continues and we have the energy to finish the week out strong.

Tomorrow: I wanted to upload some photos but the camera i brought doesn't have the right cord so tomorrow I guess. The teams are at the usual locations for ministry, but we have the opportunity for some to go to Manzanillo for some fun free time. (City south of Puerto Viejo) It will be exciting.

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