Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 1

Well before I even get to talking about Costa Rica, this is the 100th post on the Frequency website, very exciting! Today was a get to know Costa Rica day, we visited the skate park and the music cafe that Alternative Missions has built over the past 2 years. Then we went on a scavenger hunt throughout the city. The objective wasn´t to find items or located buildings, but more to meet people in the community and learn about the culture. My favorite part was we had to find the Spencers. The only was to do this was to ask locals where they lived, some of us received good directions others received very poor directions. Edna Spencer was really fun to talk to, she has lived in the community for 30 years and described lots of the changes over those years. The city only received electricity 15 years ago, it used to thrive off of chocolate, but then a disease came and wiped out the chocolate, but now they rely on tourism. It was a really fun day.

Tomorrow will begin our first day of full ministry, 2 teams, Team tclick tclick and Team Spicy Ponies will be going to the skate park and working on various projects there. There is a jungle trail between the park and the ocean (the waves crash on the sound, then there is 30 feet of jungle and palm trees, then there is the main road) and in that jungle area is a really cool trail. So one of there projects will be working on that trail. Then team Holla Holla will be going to the High School and working on projects over there. Its going to be a jam packed day and I am really excited.

As of now we have no one sick and everyone is doing great, we have had a few minor cuts, but nothing bad at all. Please pray for continued safety and that God will use us in amazing ways!

The photos are slowly making there way online, it takes a great deal of time. So for now click here to view them, and in the future you should just be able to click the photos link at the top of the page and go to the pictures page. We use flickr to host our photos and they do an amazing job, but as a recommendation, I suggest signing up with them, its completely free, does not require a credit card, but it gives you many more options of things to do with the photos. You can make prints, order DVDs, CDs, posters, and much more.

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