Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 2

Well Day2 has come and gone. Sorry I was unable to get to a computer last night, but here is a recap of the day. Oh and about the photos, I am trying to get them, but they take about 5 minutes per photo to make it online so it is very slow going.
Today was our first work day and it was great, we broke into our 3 teams and this is what we did:

Spicy Ponies: They worked at the music cafe. The building had fiberboard on the ceiling (similar to our drywall but resistant to moisture) and the weight of the fiberboard was sagging the roof itself. So we had to take it down, it was very similar to removing the ceiling in the new Frequency Room, except this time we did it systematically and without a mess. My favorite was when Edward was on a ladder that was being supported by Kimberly Schlenker and Chase Davis. I was a little worried when I saw it, but April (Abril in Spanish) asked if everything was okay and Chase responded with "I got them locked" referring to his elbows. Which brings me to a good point, we have had no major injuries and no sickness. Nothing a little band aid couldnt fix.

Team tClick tClick: worked at the skate park. Ryan, Michael J, and Peter built a table with Ronnie, the local pastor and a good friend. They had a blast and learned a lot about wood working. The rest of the team sanded wood around the building and then stained it or painted it. It is amazing the difference a little paint can do. This team also had the privilege to participate in Skating that night. It was "Ladies Night" so some of the girls tried the ramps at the skate park (which is the best skate park on the Carribean side of Costa Rica, coincidently it is also the only one) so the boys help teach some of the girls how to skate.

Team Holla Holla: Worked at the local high school. They spent much of their day painting. It was almost at home for me and April, because one of the classrooms they painted was originally the color of our walls in or house, and they painted the room to the color of our couch. (Teal to a Lime Green color). Matt H. was the one who had to tape off the ceiling to protect it from paint and got to crawl around in the room like a monkey doing this, he told me he was thinking of starting a business in taping. They also painted the fence outside the building. Today is mother's day in South America, so today Holla Holla is helping throw a Fiesta with the students for their moms.

Awards: Every night we have team awards for 2-3 people who did something amazing that day and we had 3 last night.

Ladder Save: Leader Bryan was on a ladder with a piece of fiberboard on his head, the ladder began to slip and Bryce Baker with Cat-Like reflexes grabbed the board as well as the ladder, saving Bryan from certain doom. It was a move Batman would be proud of.

Taping: Matt H. received one for his amazing attitude throughout the day and his monkey business mentioned earlier.

That sucked: goes to Billy M. who surfed in waves bigger than ever before and got tossed around, he now knows the power of our God... (his words not mine)

Prayer Requests: We have been having having great morning devotions and evening meetings, please pray that the students are receptive to the Lord and listen. Students have been doing great at being on time, and i would like to see that continue, also their attitude has been amazing. The weather has been great, pray that God continues to bless us with Weather, but maybe ask He turns the temperature down a little. I have been taking some groups of students snorkeling and that has been amazing seeing God's creation underwater (we have seen eels, octopus, lobster, thousands of fish that are very brightly colored and found in the "Finding Nemo" coral, shells, and other awesome stuff). So please pray that the water clears up a little so we can continue this. There is a possibility that some of the guys can go to an open mic night (open jam) so that would be sweet. We were asked to play but our bassist is unsure of his abilities (he is a drummer by nature) Open Mic is an awesome opportunity to play worship to a people group that hears the same Bob Marley album all day long. In closing please pray that God continues to do what He has been doing :)

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