Monday, August 20, 2007

Final post from Costa

This will be my final update on Costa Rica until we land. The trip has continued to run smoothly and God is taking special care of us. I did a partial update yesterday after our free day so let me update you on what has taken place since.

Awards: due to missing awards for 2 days ( skate night and me being sick) we had an extra large serving of ice cream...

Savannah: Won an award for sharing her testimony at the skate night, I have already posted the story, but she did an awesome job. It is always difficult to share such a personal thing, especially through a translator, but she rocked the house

Kim Nicol: Also previously mentioned, but she dropped in on a skate board which was something very few non skaters tried to do and after lots of determination and practice she accomplished it

Kimberly Schlenker: Won the award of valor and courage on the zipline. She was able to overcome all her fears and soared like the eagles through the jungle

Chris F: I brought 4 sets of snorkeling gear on the trip to take out 3 students at a time on snorkeling excursions. Well I loaned my stuff out yesterday and Chase lost one of my masks, so Chris tried to help him find it, only to lose that one. So i probably shouldn't reward people losing my stuff, but hey why not

Chase: When we got to the zip line, one of the guides asked if I was "woozie" for going on the zip line (scared) (think rasta accent) and I told him no, that I had done it before, but that Chase was "woozie" so the guide got everyone else to call Chase woozie all day, it was quite hilarious. The cherry on top however was when Madison came and she became known as "Woozie's Sister"

Chris Nicol: Well on the zip line when we were on the platform with the howler monkey Chris and i decided to play with the howler monkey, I mean monkeys need to make new friends. So I was imitating his call and Chris was grabbing the branch he was on and shaking it to and fro. I think the monkey really liked it because he made more noise and moved about a lot more!

Last night was a really great night and I heard from many that it was their favorite night. We set up a rocking chair in the middle of the group and i asked for students to sit in the chair, share what is going on in their lives and how we can pray for them. We would then have 2 other students immediately pray for them. It was an amazing night that more than 90% of everyone were willing to get up the courage to share what was going on. And now as believers we can support one another. It was really cool and freeing for many students.

Tonight is another special night and not jest because it is our last night. Weather permitting, we are having worship and a bonfire on the beach and following that with a baptism. I am very excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this evening. So please keep that in your prayers.

PICKUP CREW: thanks so much to those that signed up to pick us up at the airport. Also if you desire to pick us up but didnt sign up you are more than welcome to meet us at the airport. Our plane lands at LAX at 11:15pm and I am guessing at least 45 minutes for baggage and customs. You can click here for real time tracking of our flight and the most up to date details on it. Also if you are tech savvy you can register here and get a text message when our plane lands. I also plan on updating the webpage the moment we land (can do it from my cell phone) but that is dependent on the battery life of my phone.

Thank you all for your prayers and we will see you tomorrow!

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