Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Belize & Beyond Mission: August 2007

Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship, Spanish Lookout:

The Children Bible Camp for the neighboring villages was a great success as many participated in the 4 days of teaching, arts and crafts and lots of fun. Pat Lindsay from Calvary of Albuquerque came down to assist and was a great blessing to the children, teachers and the Church family of Amazing Grace. Please pray for fruits to abound in the lives and families of the children who attended.

The church building is progressing quite well as the walls have gone up and the roof is to be done this week. We gathered last Friday evening for the Men’s Prayer meeting in the church yard and rejoiced at the ways and timing of the Lord as we have prayed so earnestly for a meeting place that can accommodate the fellowship. We are looking forward to the Ocean Hills Church Men’s ministry who will be coming in a few weeks to help out with finishing touches on the building. Thank you for praying for this with us and rejoice with us for the work the Lord is doing and will do with the fellowship!

Living Hope in San Pedro Town:

History was made on July 18 as a small group of believers met on the roof of the building that house Lighthouse Christian Radio for the first meeting of the Living Hope Consolation Group. After much prayers and discussions with several pastors in San Pedro Town, the time finally arrived for us to meet for the purpose of ministering to those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. This was the first of its kind of a group of believers from several churches gathered on the Island for this purpose.

We began running radio announcements, passing out letters of invitations to pastors, the local hospital, the Town Board, and governmental agencies about the formation of such a group for several weeks. Not really knowing what to expect but really sensing the need for the Body of Christ to begin to reach out to those with this disease. Seven of us gathered together and after opening up with prayers and sharing briefly about the vision for the Group, each person began to share their purpose for coming to the meeting. One sister, we’ll call her Maria, shared her struggles as one living with AIDS and the rejection she experiences from her family. The scripture came to mind from my recent study of Matthew’s Gospel where Jesus said, “Here are My mother and brother! For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother”. Before the thought was completed in my mind, one of the 2 pastors at the gathering began to quote that very verse and assured her that she is now in God’s family and that we are now her brothers and sisters and will always be there for her. The pastors shared their hearts about the need to reach out to the community with the Living Hope that we have in Christ but saw the need for more training first to better equip their members regarding HIV/AIDS. The Group will be meeting weekly on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Please pray for this weekly meeting of Living Hope Consolation Group. Also for an upcoming training sessions that the Spanish.Churches in San Pedro will do as they were trained by The He Intends Victory ministry this past May.

Equipping to equip:

The need is apparent as over 18 churches and 50 people have already signed up for the Sunday School Teachers training on August 18. The half day training seminar will be conducted by the Ocean Hills Church Mission team and we are looking forward to a great time of instructions and fellowship for Sunday school teachers of children 6 to 11 years old. Please pray for a sweet time of networking and developing of lasting relationships among the teachers from the various churches and denominations attending.

A quick California Trip:

The plan was to leave Belize on Monday, July 30 so that I can get my ‘year after surgery’ check-up and to perform the wedding of Serban and Brittany on August 5. I was reminded of the verse ‘man making his plans but God directing his steps’ as flights were canceled or over booked. I was also reminded of what we all know so well and forgets so easily……..’all things work together for the good’. Those 2 days of back and forth, to and from Belize City Airport proved to be quite a blessing as many ‘divine appointments’ took place: spending time with a Baptist pastor from Belize City, meeting a newlywed couple involved in ministry, seeing fellow missionaries that I hadn’t seen in awhile, getting a ride from the ministry leader and catching up on what they are doing, and more. A sweet reminder that my plans are neither His plans, nor my thoughts and ways are not His! What a delight to remain flexible and available to the Lord and seeing the fruits from it rather than getting frustrated and bent out of shape.

I just returned from the last of several doctor’s appointment and was given a clean bill of health. Cancer free after a year after surgery! Please join me in thanksgiving and gratitude to the Lord for all of wonderful works!

Upcoming Events:

August 8 Returning to Belize!

Aug. 11 – 21 Ocean Hills Church Mission team.

Aug. 21 – 28 Passport to the World Mission Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Please pray for:
Continual growth of believers at Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship, Spanish Lookout. For the Women’s Ministry Outreach to the ladies in the Community on August 16.

The He Intends Victory San Pedro (Living Hope Consolation) support group for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; Wednesdays at Lighthouse Christian Radio.

The Sunday School teachers/Children Ministry training for networking and relationship to develop among the teachers from the various churches and denominations attending.

Laborers for long-term ministry with a heart for people and a willingness to serve in various capacities to under-gird and assist me in ministry in Belize.

Approval from Civil Aviation for 40 ft. tower on the 3 story building.

My monthly financial support as well as finances for Permanent Antenna and Tower.

Contact information in US:
Saving Grace World Mission 714) 993-4801 Ext. 106
17451 Bastanchury Rd. #203
Yorba Linda, CA 92886

In Memo: Welsh/Belize

Or website for online tax-deductible donation/support and current pictures and video updates: http://www.sgwm.com/welsh.html

Contact information in Belize:

PO Box 653 011-501-605-6123
Belmopan, Belize
Central America

Lighthouse Christian Radio 011-501-226-4673
PO Box 166
San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye
Belize, Central America

Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation to you for your continual prayers and support that keeps me going. Thank you just doesn’t seem to fully express it! Much, much, thanks and love!

In Him,

Clive Welsh

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