Friday, March 2, 2007

Talk to me about God

To reach Children in the Middle East using a small children book we use called "Kalimni AN Allah" which means talk to me about God. It has 8 stories and after every story their is a game to help the child understand the story and the principle behind it. Two years ago God put on my heart to make this book into cartoon stories. I praise God that this week the CD was finished and God provided some money to make 25,000 copies to be use here, it is good for children from 8-12 years old. Please pray that God will use it to bring thousands of them to him. (of course their is a button at the end do the presentation so the children will pray with the narrator.) I made a website for it but it is heavy on the low bandwidth because it was made for a CD. Please try to visit it on, it is in Arabic and that will be a challenge for you to learn the Arabic language the language of heaven !!!!!!!. On my heart is to translate it to other languages like Hebrew , Turkish ,Farsi ,Russian and others , who already asked for it.

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