Thursday, March 8, 2007

Belize and Beyond Update: March 2007

“...for the people had a mind to work.” Nehemiah 4:6b

In my devotional times I have been pondering the ministry of Nehemiah and the building of the walls. As I reflected on the past month of ministry in Belize, the underlying theme has been team work and like-mindedness; Brad Doff, short-term missionary; the YC Belize (Youth Conference), Pastors and Leaders Meeting, and the transition at the Radio Station. It is an amazing thing when the Body of Christ labors together for the work of God to be done and His Son glorified.

Short-term Service:

Brad Doff from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada returned home after spending 3 weeks in Belize. He was a tremendous help at Lighthouse Christian Radio Station as he put to use his knowledge of plants by putting in two planters with flowers and plants in front of the Guest and Staff Apartments. I was blessed by his availability and willingness to serve. He shared with the Body at Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship and jumped in to meet the need by teaching the children. I was greatly encouraged by his fellowship and friendship and very grateful for his time here in Belize.

YC Belize:

God used Pastor Miles McPherson of The Rock Church, San Diego, California to connect with many young people through his clear and relevant preaching of the gospel at YC Belize . It was a thrill to see many young people surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ at each of the meetings. Mile’s heart for the young people of Belize was evident during a luncheon with pastors, church leaders, community leaders and concerned Christians as he inquired of the various needs, challenges and issues that face young people. He expressed a desire to have an ongoing relationship with the Church in Belize and come alongside to help by equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. There was such an excitement around the table as hearts were knitted together for the purpose of reaching the youth which makes up over 50% of nation’s population. Please pray for the pastors and leaders for vision and the direction we should pursue. Also pray for Miles for wisdom as he seeks to come alongside to assist and equip the leaders.

Lighthouse Christian Radio:

Dennis Requena returns to the ministry on the Island after being away 6 months for Media training at Calvary Albuquerque, New Mexico as Ramzy Blanch took his place here while he was away. While here, Ramzy not only covered for Dennis but also trained Abner and Whitman, our 2 part time staff. Please pray for Ramzy as he heads back to New Mexico and that God would lead and guide him for the next season of his life. Please pray for the transition of the staff during the upcoming weeks.

Lighthouse Christian Radio was the only radio station from Belize at this year’s National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Orlando, Florida. We met with the engineer from GALCOM who is working with us on the new antenna and tower and discussed the work ahead in expanding our coverage area. Please continue to pray for God’s provision for the upgrade of equipments as the plans are being made and for Abner and Whitman (our part-time staff) for continual growth in the Lord.

Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship:

We are still praying and desiring an interim teaching pastor to cover for Rudy as he is preparing to leave for a time in Canada to maintain his Canadian citizenship. The time is drawing near for his departure so we continue to seek the Lord for His will to be unfolded in this area of need. Please pray with us for this important need. Also, Rudy and Rachel’s second child is due this month. Please pray for a safe delivery and a healthy child.

Upcoming Events: March 26: Planning meeting with Spanish Pastors in San Pedro Town regarding the He Intends Victory/HIV/AIDS Seminar and Outreach in May.

Thank you for your prayers, support and co-laboring in Belize, Central America!

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