Sunday, March 11, 2007

Response to Counselling Prayer request

Thanks to those who carried prayerfully our meeting Friday past concerning the expansion of the counselling ministry in our region. Your prayers were felt and God's leading evident as we talked and shared together.

There has been a positive response. We are hoping to meet again in 2 weeks time for further prayer and some concrete plans for the way ahead.

In between times, the national leader has a couple of meetings which are important to concluding the past and paving the way for something new to happen.

As we prayed together it was so evident that God was showing how important relationships and communication that are the fruit of the Kingdom and the Holy Spirit in our lives, and that they are so foundational. A life lived under the Kingdom fundamentals of confession, repentance, reconciliation, maintaining that grace atmosphere that we so dearly love.

Thanks again. Continue to stand with us as the final decisions and plans will be indicative as to the strategy for our "office / centre" for activities which is also a pressing need.

Erwin is ministering away with a group of Christians near Lyon, (central France) and then Strasbourg, (N/East) this month.

We're needing professional help to get throught he final preparations for our new web site- almost there !

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